Jewish heritage of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia
This website aims to make accessible the complete database of the Jewish heritage sites of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia. As such, the website serves as a tourist portal and a source of reliable information for historians, genealogists, and the general public. In the featured database, you may find current and historical photographs, detailed descriptions of the monument's condition, and the history of each Jewish heritage site. Those thoroughly documented cemeteries are featured here with their map and a table containing the dates and names of those buried. This website provides an invaluable source of information for all engaged in history and those looking for their ancestors to discover relations that were cruelly disrupted in the past. The website is managed by Matana a.s. (Department of the Administration of Buildings and Cemeteries), founded by The Jewish Community of Prague to manage its immovable property. Since 2002, the management includes heritage sites owned by the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic. More information.
About Us
We provide complete restoration and maintenance of Jewish heritage in the Czech Republic. Currently, our primary focus is the maintenance of cemeteries and other sites.
Heritage Search
Search for Jewish heritage sites in the Czech Republic. The individual data points on our map provide essential information, a historical introduction, and many photographs.
More informationAncestral Discovery
We are preparing an online database of cemeteries and tombstones. In our current version, you may find individual cemeteries with an index of deceased persons.
More informationSponsorship
Join us in the restoration and maintenance of cemeteries. Please choose one of our activities to sponsor or leave the purpose of your donation up to us.
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