How to contribute

  Sponsorship and Adoption 



The cost of renovation and subsequent maintenance of 270 Jewish cemeteries and other heritage sites exceeds our available financial resources. Your contribution will help care for heritage sites that are part of Jewish and national cultural heritage.

We strive to establish the necessary commemorative character of cemeteries and respectful renovation of all surviving tombstones. Bearing in mind that it is impossible to rescue all stones from erosion through repairs and restorations, we see their thorough documentation as a means of preserving memory. We have to take care of these sepulchral sites while continuing to share our research with descendants, researchers and the wider public.

The surviving cemeteries are, in many locations, the only reminder of the former Jewish community. We can perceive them as an intriguing historical site that deserves our attention and care, but above all, they are a sacred final resting place.

Sharing the view of Jewish tradition, we perceive the tombstone as a gift to the deceased, their eternal, inviolable possession.  


 Contribute to...

The maintenance

Please choose from our list of cemeteries on the Search (Heritage Sites) page. You can also leave the choice to us, and we will select the most relevant site.

 Bank transfer

A specific tombstone

Please choose a tombstone from our featured list that no longer has someone to take care of it.
Let’s restore the dignity of abandoned tombstones.

Choose a tombstone

The documentation

Are you looking for your ancestors, but the cemetery where they are buried still needs to be mapped? With your donation, you initiate or accelerate the documentation works of the selected cemetery.

Contact Us


Adopt a cemetery or tombstone. Contribute regularly to its maintenance. Search for a specific heritage site, click “Make a donation”, and generate a QR code for your donation payment.




Adoption of a cemetery or tombstone

Adoption is a form of a long-term contribution to the maintenance of a cemetery, grave, or tombstone. The possibility of adoption is not restricted to famous individuals or artistically valuable graves. According to the Jewish tradition, every tombstone is a gift to the deceased and must be cared for so that their name is never forgotten. 

Therefore, adoption does not include renting a grave site, as in other cemeteries. In a Jewish cemetery, once the grave site is paid for, it is forever guaranteed to the deceased person, that is, to the given family, and it is to never belong to another owner. If all relatives pass away, the Jewish community manages the grave.

Due to the tragic historical events of the past years, there are many cemeteries and tombstones without care. Their maintenance is the responsibility of the Jewish communities and the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic. However, the expenses associated with the renovation and maintenance of cemeteries greatly exceed the financial means of individual Jewish communities. Given such conditions, we cannot devote as much attention as each cemetery and tombstone deserves.

By adopting, you are participating in the maintenance of the cemeteries and tombstones, which no longer have someone to take care of them.

  • More information


    Depending on the properties and size of the cemetery, the financial expenses associated with its basic maintenance range from approximately 10 000,- CZK to 30 000,- CZK per year (excluding the repairs of tombstones, cemetery buildings and walls). 

    In the case of financial assistance, we guarantee the use of a given donation following the donor’s request while providing a detailed written account after completing requested works, issuing a donation contract for the possibility of tax deduction, etc.  

    As part of our Adoption programme, we offer premium care for graves (regarding the New Jewish Cemetery in Prague).

    This service involves cleaning the gravesite and tombstone twice a year, in the summer and in autumn (it includes the removal of unwanted vegetation, dry leaves and fallen branches, and the cleaning of the tombstone, its base and frame, which are thoroughly washed while the surface of the stone is treated).

    The offered price of the service is 3 600,- CZK per year (including VAT). It is possible to pay in advance, covering several years.

    We guarantee that the maintenance you support is realized. Photographs of the managed grave are sent to you via e-mail following the maintenance works.


    Contact us




Support Heritage Site Maintenance

Given the large number of heritage sites that require restoration and maintenance, we welcome any form of financial support.

Sponsor Tombstone Restoration

We select tombstones which are currently in need of repair. Please browse our list and help us restore the tombstones of those without someone to maintain them.