Publication and Information Activity
Given the financial challenges associated with conserving many heritage sites, there is currently no strong focus on publishing activities. Over the years, nevertheless, a notable number of contributions to professional journals and anthologies was produced alongside guides on cemeteries in Nová Cerekev, Telč, Kamýk nad Vltavou, Jindřichův Hradec, Jistebnice, Milevsko, Mladá Vožice and Koloděje nad Labem titled Even zikaron. Memories in Stone: Jewish Tombstones.
In collaboration with The Jewish Community of Prague and the Jewish Museum in Prague, the National Heritage Institute in České Budějovice published Beth Olam. The Jewish Cemeteries in South Bohemia. Its basis is the work of Matana and its external collaborators. The book covers 43 Jewish cemeteries in the South Bohemian Region, excluding Dačice and Slavonice, as these belong to the historical territory of Moravia. In most cases, the individual entries provide a transcription and translation of featured tombstones. The publication is enriched by valuable appendices deriving from research (list of the oldest tombstones, prominent South Bohemian individuals, stonemasons, and stone workshops).
We are also in the process of preparing information boards accompanying individual sites. Recently (2022), such boards were created with the help of numerous others (the town of Radnice, the Jewish Museum in Prague) to be placed at cemeteries in Radnice, Terešov and Hřešihlavy. Moreover, a guide on Jewish cemeteries was published titled Jewish Cemeteries in Radnice, Terešov and Hřešihlavy.